What is a Comic Rider?



Comic Rider adalah kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang mengajarkan anak menggambar komik dan mewarnai secara manual dan digital ditingkat sekolah dasar

Pengembangan industri kreatif seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, menuntut seseorang untuk mampu berpikir kreatif dan inovatif.Ada sebuah pertanyaan "mengapa kita tidak memberikan perhatian serius terhadap pemikiran kreatif."Ada dua alasan mengapa kita tidak ingin berpikir kreatif.

Pertama, kita mengerti bahwa berpikir kreatif adalah bakat yang tidak dimiliki oleh semua orang, sehingga memungkinkan kita tidak bisa berpikir positif, padahal kreatif itu bisa diekstraksi dan distimulus.

Kedua, banyak dari kita yang selalu berpikiran "logis" namun pada kenyataannya ide kreatif berasal dari pemikiran yang tidak logis pada awalnya, setelah itu kemudian menjadi logika karena sudah diterima secara logika.

Kami mencoba merubah persepsi tersebut, bahwa setiap orang sesungguhnya mampu berpikir secara kreatif jika melatihnya , proses pelatihan kreatifitas dapat dimulai sejak anak-anak, salah satunya dengan melatih anak untuk menggambar komik karena dengan belajar menggambar komik dapat memacu kreatifitas baik dari ide cerita, teknik menggambar dan imajinasi anak.


Comic Rider is an extracurricular activity that teaches children to draw comic and coloring it manually and digitally at elementary school level. Development of creative industries in line with technological developments, sue someone to capable to think creative and innovative. There is a question “why we didn’t give a serious attention against think creative.”There is two reason why we didn’t want to think creative. First, we understand that think creative is a talent that is not owned by everyone, so that possible we couldn’t think positive, whereas creative is it can be extracted and teasers.Second, many of us always think “logical” manner but in the reality creative ideas comes from thinks that are not logical its initial, after that then become a logic because  already accepted in logic.We try to change that perception, that every person can actually think creatively if they train it, creativity training process can be started since children, one of them is by training children to draw comic because by learning to draw comic can spur creativity either from story idea, drawing techniqueand the child's imagination.






Testimony from Ipeka and Al-Azhar School


What you can learn from us ?

1. How to draw

You can learn how to draw comics and create your own story characters

drawing facial expressions, body anatomy, eye expression, hair style, moe style,

chibi style, SD (Super deformed), AB (Adult Body) and many more.


2. How to make storyline

You can learn to make a comic strip, comic can be written from the living experience.

easy to make the story because we always have a story in our live

3. How to make your own character

You can learn make your own character, hero character, friends character,

rival character, supproting character etc.

4. How to digital colouring

You can learn to color the image by using a computer.

we use photoshop program and comic life.

5. How to Manual Colouring / Water Brush

You can learn manual colouring with pencil colour, water brush, copic marker